Myths about back pain 2 Oct 2019
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy looked at the common myths around back pain. The evidence below has been provided by the Physio Matters podcast team – Rob Tyr, Jack March and Mark Reid.
These are the 4 main myths:
Sometimes this can be start painful but should get easier. Keep changing positions and try not to stay in one position too long.
There are many types of exercise and sport and sometimes a modification of exercise is all that is needed until the pain eases slightly. Let us help you figure this out and guide you in the right direction.
Some findings on MRI scan may be unrelated to your pain. They may be simple age-related changes and may be present even in people without pain back. We can help you work this out, by looking at your scan report in relation to your actual functional problems and painful positions.
Pain is very subjective. It is perceived differently by different people. It can be dependent on past pain experiences, your general health, sleep, your fitness levels and your psychological well-being. It can also vary in times of stress. By aware of this and let us help you devise a plan to get you through it that may incorporate both lifestyle changes, physical therapy and exercise.
Having an understanding of your back, knowing the back pain myths and being proactive will ensure you get back to normal quicker!