Back Pain
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Home working in lockdown, some simple practices you need to incorporate to keep yourself painfree!
Fatigue in long covid has become a common symptom for those people that have contracted coronoavirus. We look at what [...]
Morning stiffness is a common complaint of people coming into the clinic. Not the morning glory type! But what exactly [...]
Over the last few years, we continue to see more sport-related injuries in February than in other months and this [...]
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy looked at the common myths around back pain. The evidence below has been provided by [...]
The ITB is short for the iliotibial band. It is a band of fascia that runs down the outside of [...]
Whiplash is usual associated with car accidents, however, it can also be caused by high velocity, high impact sports. We [...]
We often get triathletes into the clinic with various injuries and niggles especially with the swim! Here we look at [...]
If you’re Training hard for a Marathon or sporting event, a swift and painless recovery without injury is essential. We [...]
This is a question that patients often ask. Saying ‘I should have come sooner, shouldn’t I?’ or ‘Is it too [...]
One of the biggest issues in today’s society is sedentary work. This results in long periods of (in) activity in [...]
Many of you will be starting or have started your following your training plan for the London Marathon and will [...]