
What is physiotherapy?

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy was awarded its Royal Charter in 1920 were originally developed from a massage background by 4 nurses back in 1894. Nowadays, through evidence-based studies and practical daily analysis with patients, it now encompasses disciplines of biomechanics, joint movement, muscle balance and recruitment, physiological healing, neural anatomy and transmission. The ability to use this information effectively depends on our relationship with you the patient; helping you understand your condition and factors that may affect the healing of your problem. The body is an amazing structure, that under the right circumstances, can heal itself. Our job is to help you to heal yourself quicker.

We are often asked, how we do this, with questions on whether we use specific techniques like manipulation or pilates. However the use of specific techniques without sound reasoning is like taking heart medication for a liver condition. A good drug which won’t help your problem. Experience and depth of knowledge allows us to use the most appropriate technique for your problem and for you as a patient. For example manipulation can be a good technique but we wouldn’t use it if you had osteoporosis (brittle bones) or a fear of having your bones clicked. We would use other methods from our extensive treatment technique library and agree that with you beforehand. Holistic treatment is not just one technique, viewed from one side of the issue, it’s the ability to see more and use techniques that are most appropriate.

What to expect

At your initial assessment the physiotherapist will ask you about your condition and symptoms. If you have any GP or consultant letters, scans or X-rays please bring them on the day or email through before, so we can attach them to your file. The physiotherapist will then assess your movement, muscle strength, neural system and function to come to a diagnosis. They will then explain your diagnosis, prognosis and formulate a working treatment plan with you. They will also modify any exacerbating activities or training to aid faster recovery and email you pictures and videos of exercises that may be beneficial. If you have a lower limb or lower back condition, please bring shorts to your session.

How many sessions will I have?

Most insurance companies will give 5 sessions as standard, primarily, because most acute injuries get 85-100% better within that time with therapy. However, it very much depends on the type of issue you have, how long you have had the condition, how much we can modify your activity levels to facilitate faster recovery and enhance the results of the treatment received in clinic. We work hard to get you back to your goals as quickly as possible.

How much will it cost?

  • £115 for Initial Physiotherapy Assessment (60 minutes)
  • £63 for Initial Physiotherapy Assessment (30 minutes)
  • £63 for Follow Up Physiotherapy Consultation (30 minutes)

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